Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tell Me a Story February 2015 - The Sweetest Creek of All
Sweet Creek, OR is east of Florence, OR near Mapleton.  Our weather has been gorgeous so we took advantage of that and decided to go to Sweet Creek and Old Town Florence on Saturday, February 21st.  What a treat the day was.  We picked up my brother and sister in law where they camp host in Winchester Bay and headed North.  The skies were blue and it was a cool 50 something degrees. 
I had decided to NOT bring my tripod on this trip thus no silky waterfall photos that I love.  I also only took my 50mm 1.4 lens.  I kind of regretted not bringing my 18-200mm lens but such is life.
One of the falls along Sweet Creek. I stitched 6 images together to make this panoramic image.
 Someone put these Cairns up by the creek.  I thought it was interesting.
 Mushroom growing out of a tree stump.  I loved the swirly pattern on the top of the cap.

 My husband with his walking stick and the falls in the background.
 Another mushroom growing out of an old stump.
 This looked like a huge turtle head to me.
My husband walking down to my very favorite place to take photos of the creek.  There is a flat spot you can sit with your tripod and camera to the right of him when the water flow is a little less than it was this time of year.
Old Town Florence
When we were done with our hike along Sweet Creek, we decided to go walk around old town Florence and have some lunch.  We parked and starting walking towards town when out of the public parking lot came a string of old restored cars.  I'm not sure what they are, but I was able to take 3 images below.

We ate lunch at the Bridgewater Ocean Fresh Fish House.  It was delicious! I had the Mandarin Avocado Blue Cheese Poppy Seed Salad which was a bed of fresh romaine lettuce. Also had red onion and hazelnuts tossed with a sweet poppy seed dressing.  I chose to add chicken to my salad.  Oh my was it ever a treat! I would go eat here again and again!
The Kyle Building is historically the most significant building in the Florence-Mapleton area. Named after William J. Kyle, a Scotsman who came to Florence in1884, it is considered a dassic example of the false­ fronted general stores build during the early pioneering days of the West Coast. It remains virlually the same as it was when it was built in 1901.  It was added to the National Historic Registry on December 2, 1981
A view of the north end of the bridge over the Suislaw River on Hwy 101.

 I've never seen the draw bridge open for a boat before.  I was excited to see it and to get an image.  Suislaw River
Since the weather was so nice, bikers were out in force.  They were LOUD but fun to see.  Here is another old car that was parked on the street.
These were in front of a storefront and sun shining thru the color just captured my eye.
 We had a thoroughly exhausting, but fun day.  This was the view back to the parking lot.
 This is not my photo, but here is a photo of me and hubby.  It was taken by my sister in law, Laura with her iPhone!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. ~Louisa May Alcott

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Sharleen N. Stuart Photography / South Florida Photographer