Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tell Me a Story January 2015
A trip to Winston Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon
What a fun wonderful few days with my husband, brother and sister in law!  We decided to go to Roseburg for a couple of nights and visit the waterfalls on the Umpqua River and the Winston Wildlife Safari.  I've been to the Wildlife Safari several times, but my brother and sis in law haven't.  I see something every time we go that we hadn't seen before and I always, always enjoy the animals, so that is what I decided to write my blog on this month.

Not my photo but a photo of the drive thru map at the Safari.  It's quite a drive and very beautiful with or without the animals!
 There are usually western pond turtles in this pond, but I didn't see any this time.  I did notice the reflection of the clouds in the pond and thought it beautiful!
Another view from the drive.
Our first animal was the ostrich.  Such powerful birds!
With UGLY feet!
The majestic Lion.  He would NOT look our way, almost aloof!
I've never thought turkeys were pretty but he had such gorgeous colors. I think it is an Ocellated Turkey
Watusi Cattle and Elund
The Southern White Rhinos were all the way up the hill facing away from us.  HOW rude!
 Kingfisher above the pond.
 Hippos laying and sleeping in the mud.  These are usually always in the water when we go here, so it was fun to see them.
 Some sort of Oryx?
 Male and Female Mallards on the pond while it was raining.
Another Horned Animal
 African Elephant with a Pretty eye!
This is a new water feature and it was this girl's first time in it (I can't remember her name).  The trainers were trying to bribe her with cantaloupe.  She wouldn't go in the water all the way, but did several tricks that I couldn't get photos of.
While we were viewing the elephant and her trainer, this Emu tried to come thru the window.  He was making funny noises and then opened his mouth wide!
It's feathers were beautiful!
A Greater Rhea laying in the grass perhaps on it's nest.  Males incubate the eggs and rearing of the chicks.
Giraffe with his tongue sticking out
 American Bison
 Roosevelt Elk has lost his antlers for the season.

Barbary Sheep
 I can't even stand on one leg while awake let alone asleep like this Egyptian Goose!
More turkeys
 Winston Wildlife Safari has the most successful breeding program in the US,
Partly due to Lovers' Lane.  This is the breeding area that is excluded from all public eye.
 Wanna head to lovers' lane big boy?
No? Sigh
This was interesting. It was a picked over carcass in the cheetah's enclosure.
Next came the regal tiger! And that was the end of the drive-thru safari part!
Once again not my photo. It's a map of the Wildlife Village, which is a walk thru little zoo.  Tons of fun too!
The Wildlife Safari also has 1 cheetah in the walk thru village so you can see him up close.
Cute little Cotton-top Tamarin
 These little guys had the cutest faces!  They are Geoffroy's Marmosets
 Ringtail Lemurs
 There were two mountain lions in the enclosure and they were growling!  I'm glad I wasn't in there with them. I think they wanted to eat us!
The Maned Wolf has often been describes as a "red fox on stilts".
There were many many more animals, but I've gone over the 15 allowed photos here.  I'm sorry it's so long, but I just could not decide on 15. Hope you enjoy my little "safari" at Winston Wildlife Safari.
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
~James Herriot

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